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Ever since I was a young child Aunt Rose was a solid rock of security in my life. I recall her laughter in the background of every family gathering.Her presence was like the sunrise ,you could count on her to be there, to help, to be a bright light shining steady.
The deep love for her children was her signature. Her silent courage was an ever present exampe in times of hardship. She always offered firm secure encouragement in a quiet sure voice. I grew to depend on her assurances that I could handle lifes more difficult challenges. She helped me to believe when I felt too tired to do anything because no matter how tired she was she never stopped giving.Her daily sacrifices and constant willingness to offer her life to those she loved proved her words were backed by action. If there was an easy road she would take the hard road just to show it was possible.And in her last days she was calm and peaceful as she told me she did all she was supposed to do.Aunt Rose you never missed a beat and never missed a trick. You saw everything,loved deeply,gave completly,and saw the assurance and confidence that our Lord offers us. I will miss you every day but I am glad you will be waiting for me at heavens gates
with Aunt Anne ,Uncle Teddy, Uncle Clem,Nanni & Poppa,Uncle Ritchie,Cousin Vincent,Peter and all our family.Love patti
Visitation: Friday Evening 2-5pm & 7-9pm, at Park Funeral Chapels. Mass: Saturday Morning 9:30am, at Holy Spirit R.C. Church of New Hyde Park. Committal: Cemetery of the Holy Rood